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General AttributesGeneral Attributes: 

Title PalmOne Treo 650 GSM Software Update
Released 2006 Jan 18
Version 1.20
Author PalmSource
Category:   ROM Update

Additional InformationAdditional Information: 

Performance enhancements:
* Improved memory handling for opening larger web pages
* Optimized Bluetooth performance and added support for additional headset or carkits*
* Improved voice quality
* Improved device performance for heavy data usage such as email or web downloads.
* Includes Versamail 3.1E, the latest version for the Treo 650 smartphone including an updated Mail Service (ISP) list which includes Gmail support
* Added support for Gmail attachment downloads via web browser
* Improved performance and increased stability with third-party email solutions that are offered directly from carrier partners
* Added support for wired carkits
* Updated carrier settings for data connections and MMS or when roaming internationally
* Masked password entry in browser to increase privacy
* Improved customizable voice or sound recordings for specific callers

File: (15.4MB)

This update permanently takes up about 0.6MB (600KB) free space. If you use a lot of memory on your device, you may need to remove some data or applications (info) or store them on a SD card before installing the update.
More information URL

Geographical AttributesGeographical Attributes: 
Language:   English

Datasheet AttributesDatasheet Attributes: 

Related Page EnglishDownload File
Data IntegrityData integrity level determines the integrity of the published information. Final datasheets are not intended to be modified in the future, preliminary ones can be based on unofficial information or speculations, incomplete ones are also preliminary b  Final
AddedThe exact time of the datasheet addition 2008-03-12 10:19
You are here: Firmware \ PalmOne Treo 650 GSM Software Update 1.20 datasheet