General Attributes: |
Developer: | Alibaba |
Full Name: | YunOS 5.0 |
Released: | 2015 Dec 10 |
Codename: | Atom |
Short Name: | YunOS 5 |
Platform: |
Operating System Kernel: | Linux |
Operating System Family: | Android family |
Hardware Environment: |
Supported CPU Instruction Set(s): | x86 , ARM , ARM-64 (ARMv8) , x86-64 instruction set |
Additional Information: |
Description: Similarly to Android, YunOS (also known as Cloud OS) uses Linux kernel but it is the part of another operating system family. The application layer is based on web-based cloud computing. |
Datasheet Attributes: |
Data Integrity | Incomplete |
Added | 2016-08-10 16:39 |
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