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2014 Sep 1, Linux family, ARM instruction set, Firefox OS 2.0 is at a pre-release stage right now. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 31/32. This page details the developer features newly implemented in Gecko that are specific to Firefox OS 2.0. | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2014 Jun 9, Linux family, ARM instruction set, Firefox OS 1.4 is at a pre-release stage right now. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 30 (see Firefox 30 release notes for developers.) This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.4. | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2014 Mar 17, Linux family, ARM instruction set, Gecko 28 | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2013 Dec 9, Linux family, ARM instruction set, Gecko 26 | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2013 Oct 9, Linux family, ARM instruction set, Gecko 18+ | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2013 Feb 21, Linux family, ARM instruction set | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

OS Specs Pages: 1-6

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