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General AttributesGeneral Attributes: 

Title HTC Touch Pro2 Hotfix (SMS fix)
Released 2009 Jul 30
Version RHO07401
Author HTC
Category:   ROM Update
File ROM UpdateDownload File

Additional InformationAdditional Information: 

Hotfix to allow SMS Text Messages to be sent using the “+” international prefix for HTC Touch Pro2

Installation instructions

Follow the instructions below to download and install the hotfix on your device:
1. Make sure you have Microsoft ActiveSync® installed on your Windows XP PC or Windows Mobile Device Center on your Windows Vista® PC. You can find Microsoft ActiveSync from this link or Windows Mobile Device Center from this link.
2. Connect and synchronize your device with your PC via Microsoft ActiveSync® or Windows Mobile Device Center using the USB cable.
3. To download this hotfix select the hotfix below and the location closest to you then click Download.
4. Copy the hotfix, which is an .exe file, to your device. To install the hotfix, tap the .exe file and follow the on-screen instructions.

Geographical AttributesGeographical Attributes: 
Language:   Multiple languages

Datasheet AttributesDatasheet Attributes: 

Related Page URL
Data IntegrityData integrity level determines the integrity of the published information. Final datasheets are not intended to be modified in the future, preliminary ones can be based on unofficial information or speculations, incomplete ones are also preliminary b  Final
AddedThe exact time of the datasheet addition 2009-12-24 19:48
You are here: Firmware \ HTC Touch Pro2 Hotfix (SMS fix) RHO07401 datasheet