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General AttributesGeneral Attributes: 

Title i-mate Ultimate 8150 Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional ROM Upgrade
Released 2008 Dec 1
Version WWE. M8.WWE.06.05
Author i-mate
Category:   ROM Update

Additional InformationAdditional Information: 

Now it’s even easier to stay connected and manage your busy life from just about anywhere. Windows Mobile® 6.1 is full of enhancements, made with your needs in mind:
* Instant messaging-like texting
* Improved Internet browsing
* Simpler e-mail and Bluetooth setup
* New Home screen interface
* New Getting Started Center
* Security enhancements
* Easier Wi-Fi connection
* More personal choice

ROM Version: WWE.
CP Version: M8.WWE.06.05
Radio Version: R4A.EC07.R2.03AF
More information URL

Geographical AttributesGeographical Attributes: 
Language:   English

Datasheet AttributesDatasheet Attributes: 

Related Page URL
Data IntegrityData integrity level determines the integrity of the published information. Final datasheets are not intended to be modified in the future, preliminary ones can be based on unofficial information or speculations, incomplete ones are also preliminary b  Final
AddedThe exact time of the datasheet addition 2009-06-29 20:17
You are here: Firmware \ i-mate Ultimate 8150 Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional ROM Upgrade WWE. M8.WWE.06.05 datasheet