General Attributes: |
Developer: | Apple |
Full Name: | iOS 12.1.2 |
Released: | 2018 Dec 17 |
Platform: |
Operating System Kernel: | Mach |
Operating System Family: | Apple iOS / iPadOS family |
Hardware Environment: |
Supported CPU Instruction Set(s): | ARM-64 (ARMv8) instruction set |
Additional Information: |
Description: Fixes an issue that could affect cellular connectivity in Turkey for iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max. Fixes bugs with eSIM activation for iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max Available for: iPhone 5s and later, iPad Air and later, and iPod touch 6th generation |
Datasheet Attributes: |
Related Page: | URL |
Data Integrity | Preliminary |
Added | 2019-01-25 17:16 |
Tweet | |