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General AttributesGeneral Attributes: 
Developer Linux Foundation
Full Name Tizen 2.2.1 Platform Release
Released 2013 Nov 9
Short Name Tizen

Operating System Kernel:   Linux
Operating System Family:   Linux family

Hardware EnvironmentHardware Environment: 

Supported CPU Instruction Set(s):   x86 (IA-32) , ARM instruction set

Additional InformationAdditional Information: 
Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators, device manufacturers, and chip suppliers for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, and smart TVs.

The Tizen Platform consists of the Web framework (APIs), native framework (APIs), and core system.

The Tizen Software Development Kit (SDK) is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Web applications, native applications, and the platform component for Tizen. The SDK contains an install manager, IDE, tools, documents, samples, and a platform image.

Tizen 2.2.1 contains  new features in privacy control and system framework.

Highlights of this release include:

 - In Settings, the Privacy menu is added
 - Applications can be installed in SD cards
 - Firmware download supports the framework test tool and Mac OS® X.

Datasheet AttributesDatasheet Attributes: 

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Data IntegrityData integrity level determines the integrity of the published information. Final datasheets are not intended to be modified in the future, preliminary ones can be based on unofficial information or speculations, incomplete ones are also preliminary b  Incomplete
AddedThe exact time of the datasheet addition 2014-03-01 22:27
You are here: OS Specs \ Linux Foundation Tizen 2.2.1 Platform Release datasheet